This chilli is a must for all authentic Thai Cooking.
The Chilli, Prik Chee Fah , is one of the hottest of the Thai Chilli's and is considered of medium heat, but Prik Cheeis Fah is a Thai Chilli and therefore should still be treated with quite a degree of respect.
These chillis are sold in great quantities in the fresh markets all over Thailand. You will find both red
and green Prik Jinda at the markets, usually sold mixed up together.
These pods have been sun dried and hand select using only the red chillies. In Thai cuisine its probably true to say that dried chillies are used more than fresh chillies, its just that you dont see them very often as they are usually ground up before use.
Prik Jinda is a spur chili, about 6-12cm long and a member of the Capsicum frutescens species.