Naga Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Pepper) 10 Seeds
Code: SEEDS-308
£ 2.50
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Also known as the Bhut Jolokia

This is one of the Worlds Hottest Chilli Peppers, another name for the Naga Jolokia is the Ghost Chilli or Ghost Chile. The pods have a Blistering Heat. The Pepper comes from Indian and originates in the area of Assam.

This chilli pepper was tested by the Chile Pepper Institute in Mexico and was confirmed to be one of the hottest peppers in the world.

The seed they used for the test came from the Bih Jolokia bred in Assam India.

Fruits of red/orange Bhut Jolokia ripen from green to orange through to red when fully ripe.

The heat level is up to 1,001,304 Scoville Units - Please handle with caution. Days to Germination: 10-21

Optimum Soil Temp. for Germination: 75 F+ Days To Harvest: 90-100

Based on the fact Naga Jolokia regularly scores at around 1,000,000 + SHU's (Scoville Heat Units)

we once again caution those who purchase seed of this that it must treated with respect at all times and under no circumstances must the fruits be used in practical jokes etc.

We accept no liability, consequential or otherwise, whatsoever to those who chose to grow, handle or eat this variety - or similarly to any third party who is injured as a result of contact in any way, shape or form.

Your purchase of this seed implies you have read and accepted this condition of sale

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Also known as the Bhut Jolokia

This is one of the Worlds Hottest Chilli Peppers, another name for the Naga Jolokia is the Ghost Chilli or Ghost Chile. The pods have a Blistering Heat. The Pepper comes from Indian and originates in the area of Assam.

This chilli pepper was tested by the Chile Pepper Institute in Mexico and was confirmed to be one of the hottest peppers in the world.

The seed they used for the test came from the Bih Jolokia bred in Assam India.

Fruits of red/orange Bhut Jolokia ripen from green to orange through to red when fully ripe.

The heat level is up to 1,001,304 Scoville Units - Please handle with caution. Days to Germination: 10-21

Optimum Soil Temp. for Germination: 75 F+ Days To Harvest: 90-100

Based on the fact Naga Jolokia regularly scores at around 1,000,000 + SHU's (Scoville Heat Units)

we once again caution those who purchase seed of this that it must treated with respect at all times and under no circumstances must the fruits be used in practical jokes etc.

We accept no liability, consequential or otherwise, whatsoever to those who chose to grow, handle or eat this variety - or similarly to any third party who is injured as a result of contact in any way, shape or form.

Your purchase of this seed implies you have read and accepted this condition of sale

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