Dorset Naga x Red Habanero Cross ( Hybrid)
Code: SEEDS-50
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Dorset Naga x Red Habanero Cross ( Hybrid) x 10 Seeds
This is a cross made between the Red Savina Habanero and the Extremely hot Dorset Naga (Naga Morich).
The plants can grow quite large and produce huge crops of peachy orange pods that are more inclined to the Dorst Naga shape. The pods from this plant are hot to very hot.
We don't know exactly how long this strain has been in existence and at what generation it is, but the pod shapes do seem quite stable.

Disclamer: Any mention of Trademark names, brands or reference to any commercial organizations is for information only. It does not imply any affiliation of this listing with the Trademark owner. The use of a trademark name is Dorset Naga to describe the products being offered for sale by our company and should not in any way infer directly or indirectly any affiliation with the owner of these Trademarks.
The names of companies, brands or publications pictured or mentioned and their respective logos are tradmarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Their use neither constitutes a claim of the trademarks by our company nor affiliation of the trademark owners with or by this listing.

Dorset Naga x Red Habanero Cross ( Hybrid) x 10 Seeds
This is a cross made between the Red Savina Habanero and the Extremely hot Dorset Naga (Naga Morich).
The plants can grow quite large and produce huge crops of peachy orange pods that are more inclined to the Dorst Naga shape. The pods from this plant are hot to very hot.
We don't know exactly how long this strain has been in existence and at what generation it is, but the pod shapes do seem quite stable.

Disclamer: Any mention of Trademark names, brands or reference to any commercial organizations is for information only. It does not imply any affiliation of this listing with the Trademark owner. The use of a trademark name is Dorset Naga to describe the products being offered for sale by our company and should not in any way infer directly or indirectly any affiliation with the owner of these Trademarks.
The names of companies, brands or publications pictured or mentioned and their respective logos are tradmarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Their use neither constitutes a claim of the trademarks by our company nor affiliation of the trademark owners with or by this listing.
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